Monday, June 18, 2012

I know, I know - it's been a long time...

Well I know it's been a really long time since I last posted... geesh where did the time go?? It was a loooonnnnggg year.  We got through it and now it's summer, so it's good.  This summer is a big transition time.  Scout will be a SENIOR!!  Process that with me will you??  Shaw will be a seventh grader and he will officially start to travel with the teams to various places and even wearing braces - we did that today! He's growing up.... *sob, hic up, sob! and Sager oh Sager... Sager will be a fifth grader.  He will OFFICIALLY be on his own at school - no Shaw to double check with, or to remind or to help out and no Nana - his grandmother retired this year... so, I'm thinking Sager will need a phone in order to facilliate his neurotic tendencies.  I wonder if the principal will allow that..... hmmmm... probably not!  Well he's gonna have to handle it.  That reminds me of a story... we were dropping off Shaw the other day at baseball practice and Sager is watching the 9-10 year old boys who were practicing baseball.  He says - I don't think it's fair that all my friends get to play baseball and I don't.  So instead of me explaining to him oh so gently about how he's a special little boy who hasn't found his niche yet I tell him of story of when I was a  young girl.....

      Picture this - high school roughly 1988, 89 whatever - all my friends rodeoed.  Heck even my sister's boyfriend rodeoed.  I had ridden all my life - literally - all my life - when I was in the fourth grade I even got bucked off in a horrible accident but that's a whole other story....  I wanted to rodeo desperately, I mean after all, I had a saddle, a hat, skin tight rockie jeans, many different colors of ropers, horribly big and permed hair, and I had a dead beat boyfriend.  All of these things are prerequisites for a rodeo darling.  There was only one problem. One teeny tiny problem.... my dad wouldn't buy me a horse, heck - he wouldn't hardly let me ride horses, because - that's right - he's a mule man... Do you know how embarrassing it is to try to explain that you only ride mules??? It's very embarrassing.  Do you know why? Forget all that crap about them being sure footed and dependable, forget that they can haul twice their weight up a sheer cliff... forget about hybrid vigor.... forget that... imagine you pull up to the Dairy Queen in a pickup and trailor as your helping your dad build fence... do you know what mules do in front of Dairy Queen? They BRAY and BRAY and BRAY!!! It's horrible - people stare - ALOT of people stare.  There is nothing cool about a braying donkey.... there isn't... anyway - I tried to tell Sager of my desire to be a rodeo star and how my heart's desires were thwarted by my mule man father but clearly he didn't understand.... he's never experienced the mule experience.  So I tell him - sometimes Sager, you must be open to dream new dreams, bigger dreams... What about tennis??  He's contemplating it.... here's some pictures of the brothers...

Scout in Odessa
MVP Cross Country

Shaw end of 6th grade
Sager with a big fish!

Have a GREAT Summer!!