This was the first year that we've gone to the Childress High School Homecoming parade. Scout is a freshman class officer so he helped decorate the float and rode on it as well. I didn't even know that there was a homecoming parade! Who knew? Sager, Shaw and I went and watched and then went to the little pep rally after the parade, I think the boys liked it - it was pretty fun - the band played, candy was thrown and something was set on fire! (all the components for some home-town fun!) I had to work in the concession stand for the homecoming football game, so that was pretty fun. When I say it was fun, standing and making frito pies and nachos wasn't fun but seeing all the kids with their mums and garters was kind of fun and visiting with the other parents in the concession stand was fun.
Scout is growing up so fast, it seems like just as soon as he reached high school - he aged instantly! This is such a fun time for him - I hope he's making good memories that will last him his whole lifetime!
You can see that Scout has his Cross Country sweatshirt on - he is so proud of that thing and what it means to him! He has worked so hard to get better every week - and it's all on him - there's no other members to help him or to rely on like in football or basketball - it's all on him... Brandon and I are so proud that he's listened to at least some of the nagging that we have done to try to get him to work hard and accomplish something! We're going to go to District Meet - it's going to be in Lubbock, Texas - I can't wait!

Look here is our new friend. Her name is Rosie. Shaw's going to be showing her and Juliet at the Childress County Livestock show. He's been very dutiful in looking after them, cleaning up after the both of them, scooping poop, trying to get them calmed down, everything. Aren't they sweet? I hope he's enjoying them and all the memories we're making!