1. I'm a special education teacher and each and every one of my kids has a special plan that rules their world!!! It's called an IEP and every student needs a meeting about their schedule and classes and modifications, every year, and all those meetings have begun!! and so has the stress and the fever blisters!!! yikes...
2. Scout has turned 17.... soak that up people... I have a seventeen year old!!!
3. The annual Childress County Livestock show and sale was this past weekend... and as Sager so eloquently put it - "Total domination baby..." (We're currently working on the idea of humility and humbleness... Sager hasn't quite mastered that yet....) Sager and his chickens did very well... Grand and Reserve!!
(Look at that sharp dressed man!!)
4. Shaw has mastered the humble and humility lesson as his lame show pig "pimp" walked into third place...(that would be an ever so slight shuffle and drag...)
(look at his skills... maybe next year he'll get showmanship....)
5. I lost my cell phone - don't try calling it - clearly it's dead.... I have looked high and low.... I feel so lost with out it....
6. Scout didn't even spend his birthday with us - he went to Spearman to visit his "friend" while I washed chickens... nothing says happy birthday like wet chickens....
(here they are at the Rudolph run in Amarillo...) I guess 17 year olds don't want to spend their birthday with their mom? Can that be true? I don't know if I believe that??? Do you??? I'm going to need some independent research...
7. Brandon is down in Huntsville for training... he left literally hours after the stock show sale... who am I going to iron clothes for? who will I have to find underwear and socks for?? who's going to eat at Arby's with me??? I don't know... you mean I have to sleep in the bed and NOT listen to snoring? wait a minute.... I might just like this... kidding..kidding... I already miss him terribly...
Well I hope everyone's week goes good and I look forward to hearing from you, subscribers and stalkers alike!!!

I stalked you earlier and got called away before I could comment.
I remember my daughter taking me aside and having "the talk" with me about why I shouldn't expect to be throwing a birthday party for her when she turned seventeen. I was mortified. (I'd already booked the clown.)
Nessa - you can feel my pain....
Your boys are amazing young men and they have an even more amazing mother! YOU ROCK!
wow you do rock :)
Thanks Melissa - thanks for your comment! ;)
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