Saturday, August 22, 2009

What am I thinking....

We are waiting for Brandon to get home so that we can leave to go to the lake!!! I know I should be up at school or doing laundry or something but the lake does sound so inviting!!! We went school clothes shopping yesterday so clothes are done!!! My school room is done, my lesson plans are done, I made all my copies for this week, I have posted all my class stuff on my class blog, I really think that I'm situated so I guess going out of town shouldn't be too traumatic!!! I will go up to school on Sunday just to make myself feel better and I'll probably have a touch of insomnia Sunday night in anticipation of Monday (but I have it every Sunday!!!) but I am really excited to get school going and get in the groove!!! I have so many things I want to do with my classes, I hope all goes well!!!

Everyone have a great weekend!!! Maybe I'll get one last delicious tan!!!!


Marsha Meacham said...

I'm glad you are going to the lake. You are a super teacher. See you Monday (probably Sunday)

Stephanie Harbin said...

Enjoy it while you can. These moments won't ever come again.

Maria said...

Mrs. Meacham - Thank you so much for the sweet compliments! I'm sure trying!!! I'll see you Sunday!!